Friday, October 28, 2016

the get to know you game

My opening get to know you game:

Simply wrap gifts in black tissue paper or bag and
make tags with your theme idea on them. This year is called the raven

murderous game.

I added a fake hand with the instructions for the game.
Set on table and start the game. 

How to play

Everyone takes turns taking a gift. Each gift has something they have to do on it. They can either take it or give it to someone. Then they do what is on the card...

Here are my ideas for my guests to do....

1. Balance the gift bag on top of your
head and sing a song while walking from door to door

2. Tell us a scary Halloween
story of something that happened to you

3. Share a weird memory of Halloween

4. Stand on one leg and sing the song
“Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Fence “

5. Share your Favorite part of Halloween

6. Least favorite part of Halloween

7. Do something silly

8. Say something nice to someone at the table

9. Name all the pets you’ve had
And where they’re buried!

10. Share a happy memory about your kids

11. You get to choose the next witch to pick
a gift bag, but say something nice to her

12. Exchange gifts with someone

13. Think of a witch sitting at this table, 
 let us guess who, by giving us clues

14.Start a Halloween story and pass it around the
 table so all will share in the telling tale, 
 with you will be ending it

15. Take someone’s gift and she gets to
pick again

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